Рубрика: Asingnments, Без рубрики

My favorit Arates

 The day we started in a rather good mood.  I was ready to go out at 7:00.  I am glad that I will return to the place where my first Sebasti days began, Arates. Arriving at the point of movement, I noticed that no one was in a bad mood, everyone was very happy, and they were already on their way and discussing everything.  At first, we got settled, and as soon as we started, Miss Irina introduced us to the 2 newcomers, we all got close, and we also got close with  Mrs.Christine’s daughter, that mischievous little girl was the center of all of our attention, I love the road to Arates, we stopped on the bank of Arpa river, which is a very beautiful river.  After having a  rest for a few minutes and taking pictures, we went on our way.  It was quite a long but happy journey. It was 13:00 when we got there. At first, we settled in our houses and started discussing our activities together while Mrs. Christine and Mrs. Irina were preparing lunch with their talent. And during the dinner, we managed to play games and have exciting discussions at the end of the day. No one wanted to sleep because it was the first day of the trip and we were very excited.  We also had a birthday and we threw Sona a surprise party with balloons, cake, and candles. In the morning, everyone woke up very early because they wanted to continue the day with the same happiness. After breakfast, everyone gathered and together we started telling stories, which was very interesting. We all became very close. In the evening, Miss Christine and  Ralh baked cookies and we discussed with Miss Irina. We started the following day with a morning workout and then we run. Everything was so fine. We can’t describe the warmth that we got from our communication in Arates.

Предварительный просмотр изображения
Рубрика: Asingnments

Lesson 11

Evidence-that which makes clear the truth or falsehood of something

Solitary-alone; single; only

Vision-power of seeing; sense of sight

Frequent-happening often; occurring repeatedly

Glimpse-a short, quick view

Recent-done, made, or occurring not long ago

Decade-ten years

Hesitate-fail to act quickly; be undecided

Absurd-plainly not true or sensible; foolish

Conflict-direct opposition; disagreement

Minority-smaller number or part; less than half

Fiction-that which is imagined or made up

Рубрика: Asingnments

What makes people happy?

I have been to quite a lot of interesting and memorable places, but today I will share with you about a special place that not everyone will be able to reach. But that scene is worth everything, the Sebastians will confirm it, I think you got it. It is the view from the top of Aragats where we are being beptized to become Sebastasi!

All about Armenia: Արագած
Рубрика: Asingnments


  1. Rispondi alle domande
    Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Sona
    Quanti anni hai? Ho 15 anni
    Da dove vieni? Sono armena
    Quando sei nata / nato? Sono nata a Arrmenia
    Da quanti anni vai a scuola in Italia? Vado la scuola in Italia da tre anni
  1. Collega le parole alle immagini —Միացրու բառերը նկարին
  2. Coniglio- b
  3. Casa – e
  4. Scarpe – f
  5. Albero – d
  6. Libro – g
  7. Matita – c
  8. Sole – a

3.Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi al presente indicativo:
Es: — Quanti anni hai? — Ho 35 anni. (avere)

  1. — Sei italiano? — No, Sono norvegese. (essere)
  2. Carlo ha due sorelle maggiori e un fratello minore. (avere)
  3. I miei amici studiano all’Università. (studiare)
  4. Il padre di Maria fa l’architetto. (fare)
  5. Noi andiamo al cinema tutte le domeniche (andare)
  6. Completa il dialogo con le parole della lista.
    Stai / americano / anche io sto bene, grazie! / prendere un caffé / da dove / sono arrivato / molto volentieri! / da quanto tempo / abito / piacere / mi chiamo / tu / tu
    Es: MARIA : Ciao Alex! Come STAI__? ALEX : Bene, grazie. E tu?
    MARIA : Anche io sto bene, grazie!. Ti presento la mia amica Paola.
    ALEX : Ciao Paola! Mi chiamo Alex.
    PAOLA : Piacere  Alex !
    ALEX : Paola, da dove vieni?
    PAOLA: Da Roma. E tu ?
    ALEX: Io sono americano vengo da New York, ma abito qui a Bologna due anni fa e adesso sto con la mia famiglia. Tu stai, invece,Da quanto tempo vivi qui a Bologna? PAOLA: Da tre mesi. ALEX: Ragazze, andiamo a prendere un caffé ? PAOLA e MARIA: Ma certo, molto volentieri
  1. Collega domande e risposte:
    Es: — Che lingue parli? — Parlo italiano e spagnolo.
  2. — A che ore ti svegli la mattina? Alle sette e mezza
  3. — Vuole bere qualcosa? No, grazie.
  4. — Quanto costa questa bottiglia di vino? 35,00 €
  5. — Dov’è il libro di grammatica? È sopra il tavolo in cucina
  6. — Che lavoro fa tua madre? Fa l’infermiera
  1. Riordina le frasi:
    Es: guida / Italia / si / in / destra / a
    In Italia si guida a destra.
  2. libro / domani / il / leggerò. Leggerò il libro domani
  3. fare / serve / la / torta / per / il / forno.
    Per Fare la torta serve il forno
  4. piove / domenica / non vado / se / al / mare. Se Domenica piove , non vado al mere
  1. alle 14.00 / al bar / caffé / andiamo / a bere?
    Andiamo a bere caffe al bar alle 14.00?
  2. Milano / centro / a/ abito / in.
    Abito in centro a Milano
  3. Leggi la giornata di Francesca e rispondi alle domande
    Mi chiamo Francesca e lavoro come segretaria nella scuola elementare della mia città. Ogni
    mattina, mi sveglio alle 7 e preparo la colazione per tutta la famiglia. Mentre i miei figli fanno
    colazione, mi lavo e mi vesto per andare a lavoro. Dopo aver accompagnato Giada e Marco
    all’asilo, mi incammino verso l’ufficio. Il mio orario di lavoro è dalle 9 alle 17 con una pausa pranzo
    di un’ora. Verso le 13 mi incontro con i colleghi per pranzare e per fare una passeggiata rilassante.
    Quando esco dall’ufficio, vado subito a riprendere i bambini. Se non siamo stanchi e c’è il sole,
    trascorriamo un’oretta nel parco dietro casa. Altri giorni, invece, vado a fare spese mentre i bimbi
    giocano a casa con il papà. Verso le 19 prepariamo la cena tutti insieme. Giada e Marco vanno a
    letto verso le 21, mentre noi amiamo guardare un film prima di dormire.
  1. A che ora si sveglia di solito Francesca?
    1) Alle 10 2) Alle 7 3) Alle 4) Alle 8:30
  2. Come si chiamano i figli di Francesca?
    1) Giada e Luca 2) Anna e Marco 3) Anna e Luca 4) Giada e Marco
  3. Dove lavora Francesca?
    1) Allo stadio 2) Nella scuola elementare 3) In un ufficio 4) In una fabbrica
  4. Dove giocano i bambini con il papà?
    1) Al parco 2) In giardino 3) In piazza 4) A casa
    Cosa fa Francesca prima di dormire?
    1) Sparecchia la tavola 2) Guarda un film 3) Legge un libro 4) Ascolta la musica
  5. Scrivi un piccolo testo per presentarti
    Come ti chiami, quanti anni hai, da dove vieni, come sei (aspetto fisico e carattere), cosa ti piace fare quando hai tempo e cosa non ti piace fare, cosa ti piacerebbe fare da grande.

Рубрика: Asingnments

“How it all started…” the interview with Ashot Bleyan

This interview answers all of the main questions one may have after hearing Mkhitar Sebastaci Educational Complex. Ashot Bleyan answers all of the most asked questions in short and understanding manner. He explains the name of the educational complex, the place of it, the story behind the decision to found the educational complex etc

Рубрика: Asingnments

Pilgrimage to Mkhitarean Congregation

  • What  kind of  city is Venice?
  • What is Venice famous for?
  • Why  is it noteworthy city for Armenians?
  • How  was  the first  published book called?
  • Speak  about the Island of San Lazzaro?
  • What can you see  at the bay?
  • Who was the founder of the monastery church?
  • Who was  Mkhitar  Sebastatsi and arrive from?
  • Thanks to whom could he found the  Congregation?
  • What can you see in the museum?
  • What  mission  does  the Congrgation carry  out up to this day?
  1. Venice is a magnificent city of  canals and arts.
  2. Venice famous for antique buildings, many canals and bridges tourists attractions and the famous Venetian masks.
  3. Venice is a historically noteworthy city for Armenians, as, in 1512,Hakob Meghapart had published the first Armenian printed book «Urbatagirq» in the city.
  4. The first published book was called «Urbatagirq».
  5. Saint Lazarus is a small island in the Venetian Lagoon which has been home to the monastery of the Mekhitarists, an Armenian Catholic congregation since 1717. In 1717 San Lazzaro was ceded by the Republic of Venice to Mkhitar Sebastatci, an Armenian Catholic monk, and his followers who established a monastery.
  6. The firs thing as you see at the bay is the «Armenia» ship.
  7. The founder of the monastery church was a clergyman named Mkhitar, who had arrived from  Sebastia, thus, the name Mkhitar Sebastatsi.
  8. Mkhitar Sebastatci was a clergyman named Mkhitar, who had arrived from  Sebastia,  and he  founded the Mekhitarist Order.
  9. Thanks to the goodwill local government he founded the congregation in Venice.
  10. We can see a large collection of books, journals, artifacts, the gallery filled with pictures of famous artists, as Ayvazovsky, Martiros Saryan , Garzon’s art pieces , the tomes of Mkhitar Sebastatsi , the third largest collection of Armenian manuscripts and the sword of Levon 5th, the king of Kilikia, which was made is Sis back in 1366.
  11. The Congregation carry out up to this day the mission of Mkhitar Sebastatsi, the mission which was given to him by the divine power.
Рубрика: Asingnments

Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

Actor Denzel Washington gave a commencement speech on May 16, 2011 at the University of Pennsylvania.  With this speech Denzel inspired not only students of the university, but people all over the world, and till this day this speech is the motivation for many people from different parts of the world. Through this, he advises people to dream and fail big, to have goals, because dreams are nothing without goals. “Don’t be afraid to fail” is what the actor says, because at some point in our life, we will fail, embarrass ourselves, we will suck at something and it’s normal.

The second point he mentions abt failure is, if we never fail then we are never trying. Behind all great inventions are failed experiments, but no one remembers them, because they were worth it, because they didn’t give up. Denzel was told his whole life if he falls he better have something to fall back on. However he said he prefers to fall forward, that way he sees what he falls on.

So take risks, fail, don’t give up, dream big, have goals and fall forward

Рубрика: Asingnments

Try something new for 30 days

As it was said in the video the idea of this challenge is trying new things for 30 days. This way you would make new healthy ways to enjoy your life to new habits by doing them every day for a month. Small challenges are sustainable, which means its easier to continue doing them even after those 30 days. I think it’s a great way to start doing everything you think will make your life better, but you’re too lazy to start. This actively demonstrates that it’s easier to achieve your goals if you have a valid motive behind it. People love to succeed, even in small challenges such as this. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, “Try something new for 30 days” challenge is a great way to reach your goals, while making your life memorable and interesting at the same time.

Рубрика: Asingnments

Unbelievable coincidences

In 1957, John Lennon and Paul McCartney met at a party at St. Peter’s Church in Woolton. It was a fateful meeting—one that no doubt changed the course of musical history—but that’s not the coincidence here. Just yards away from their meeting place was the grave of Eleanor Rigby. Nine years later, McCartney wrote the song “Eleanor Rigby.” He claimed he named the character after the actress Eleanor Bron, and a store in Bristol named Rigby & Evens Ltd. Later, he admitted that the grave may have played a subliminal part in his song’s namesake. Regardless, the deed to Ms. Rigby’s grave was auctioned off but failed to sell. Poor thing, nobody went to her funeral

Many kids dream about visiting Disneyland and at first sight it seems like an another magical world. However there are many theories and hidden details about Disneyland. Some of the theories are awful and scary, some are unbelievably ridiculous, but if we put all the stories together makes a lot of sense and it all fits too good together to be considered a coincidence.

Рубрика: Asingnments


  1. Last Tuesday my computer broke while I was trying to finish an important piece of work.
  2. So I called a friend who knows about computers, and he came over straightaway.
  3. He had a look at it, but he couldn’t fix it.
  4. He took my keys so he could come back to fix it the next day while I was at work.
  5. The next morning when I was trying to leave for work, I discovered that he had locked my front door from outside and i couldn’t get out of the flat.
  6. My parents were traveling abroad, and no one else I know had a spare key.
  7. I tried to call my friend, but he left his phone in my flat. It rang next to me.
  8. I had to wait for him to arrive, and so I was very late for work.


  1. By the time he arrived, she had already left.
  2. During the summer he worked in an ice cream van.
  3. He stayed there alone until it got dark, feeling sad, he went home.
  4. He walked off happily. Meanwhile she was already planning her revenge.
  5. As soon as he got home, he turned on the news.
  6. While I was walking to work, I saw something very strange.


  1. Lucy mentioned you had a new job, but she didn’t say much about it.
  2. At first he denied having taken money, but in the end he admitted it was him.
  3. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to announce that the winner of the award is…”
  4. He claimed he had once worked for the Queen, but I didn’t believe him.
  5. If you can’t say anything nice, you’d better keep quiet.
  6. “I’m sorry to inform you that the company is closing down”


  1. Apparently, women in most countries earn between 70% and 90% of what men earn.
  2. In fact, 55% of university graduates in the UK are women.
  3. Surprisingly, women talk almost three times as much as men.
  4. Theoretically, women live longer than men.
  1. The March of Dimes makes its annual appeal in the early spring.
  2. Oil paints blend easily to form thousands of different shades.
  3. The minimum passing mark in most schools is 65%.
  4. The producer always had her eye out for young talent
  5. Your gifts do not tempt* me and will not persuade me to change my mind.
  6. In the cemetery the corpse* was visible in the bright moonlight.
  7. A typical day in Florida is full of sunshine and warm breezes.
  8. Let’s devise a plan for doing away with homework.
  9. Everyone agrees that friendship is essential for all of us.
  10. A sharp rise in wholesale prices is bound to affect the prices in our neighborhood stores.
  11. The buffalo, which once roamed the plains, is quite scarce today.
  12. Government experts told us to buy chicken without realizing how expensive it had become.